Anyone who comes to our Berlin headquarters - be it a customer or partner, a colleague or someone who would like to become one - will first see the sign above the courtyard entrance: WE UNDKRAUSS
WEare the people who together make up the UNDKRAUSS Company. We are allies. What unites us is the hunger for achievement, the joy we find in what we do. It is clear that competence and consistency are the basis of every good job, but without fun, without respect and a good feeling for each other, perhaps a quite passable company can emerge, but not one like UNDKRAUSS. Is it arrogance to say something like that? No. It's called pride.
I love building, in all its facets. Having started out as a true craftswoman, I have consolidated my knowledge during my studies of Civil Engineering. I joined UNDKRAUSS in 2007 as a Project Management Assistant. And when I was quickly offered the position as Head of the Work Preparation Department and my bosses relaxedly ignored the fact that I had spontaneously said "Nope, I don't want to", the challenge of building up my own Work Preparation Team appealed then to me. What began with the structuring of the department, staff appraisals and the compilation of the quality management manual, is still going well today.
I have successfully completed a dual course of study at UNDKRAUSS after I quickly realized that there was something lacking in my theory studies.
It was just incomplete for me. I wanted more, and this is exactly what I found immediately at UNDKRAUSS Practice, of course! Which means: touching, participating, learning, facing challenges from day one, and interacting with colleagues and flesh and blood people, with rough edges, experiences and tips that are not mentioned in any book. I have been there since 2002, after completing my studies, 6 years as Site Manager and another 6 years as Project Manager. I have been Regional Manager North since the end of 2018. The flat hierarchies and the complete path from the idea to the finished project inspire me like on the first day.
I was an entrepreneur, economist and worked for international companies in a previous life, I commuted between Europe and Africa, and I thought it was pretty great, too. Today I am a happy mother of three and I have made it! In a company that places high value on family, that lives in family, is a family for me. "berufundfamilie" (workandfamily) is here not only a fancy certificate on the wall, but rather a living reality; not only tolerated by the Board, but actively promoted. UNDKRAUSS has changed me: from a frequent flyer to a frequent lover.
My colleagues and I, WE UNDKRAUSS – together, we have more than doubled the store.
I think it's great to have contributed my part to turn UNDKRAUSS Bauaktiengesellschaft with 6 addresses all over Germany from a manageable building finisher. Colleagues are UNDKRAUSS, the spirit and also the performance, and as a Project Manager, I love to plan and manage precisely this performance, to give them input and support, to ensure that they can do a good job and, of course, they can also enjoy it.
Right. Construction sites and airplanes do not seem to have a lot in common at first signt, but as a former Corporate Human Resources & Training Manager of a globally operating airline, I know that the same attitude and the same strengths matter in critical situations i.e staying calm and acting in a solution-oriented manner. I love being able to help shape the personality and performance of an entire company through targeted recruiting and ongoing coaching, to strengthen the hard and soft skills of my colleagues in workshops, but also in their daily interaction. And to make sure that everyone, like you right now, notices this, I am also very passionate about employer branding. So, I am now looking forward to getting to know you!
Vor genau 18 Jahren habe ich meine Ausbildung zum Ausbaufacharbeiter begonnen, die ich dann am 04.07.2009 erfolgreich als Trockenbaumonteur abgeschlossen habe. Das war der STARTSCHUSS UNDKRAUSS für mich hier. Zunächst ging es als Polier los und dann als Bauleiter weiter. Schritt für Schritt konnte ich mir immer mehr Verantwortung erarbeiten und Erfahrungen sammeln. UNDKRAUSS ist nicht nur ein Arbeitsplatz, sondern eine Familie – und das spürt man bei jedem Projekt, bei jedem Einsatz. Mittlerweile bin ich seit vielen Jahren sehr erfolgreicher Bauleiter und sorge nebenbei als Sicherheitsbeauftragter dafür, dass alle gesund nach Hause kommen. Die Karriereleiter habe ich fest im Griff, und dabei bleibt auch noch genügend Zeit für das Leben außerhalb der Arbeit. Läuft bei MIR UNDKRAUSS, da fühle ich mich genau richtig.
WE UNDKRAUSS are active in complete construction on a nationwide level. The complete satisfaction of our customers is as important to us as our internal values and our unconditional cohesion. Because our committed and motivated employees have made us what we are today.
We put people first: mutual respect, interest in and understanding of individual needs, attractive framework conditions, fair remuneration and flexible working-time models, a wide range of offers - both workshops and further training courses, but also all sorts of of events and internal campaigns - and last but not least the ideal compatibility of work and family makes us an attractive employer who expects a lot from you in return. It’s just fair, right?
We thought and did, planned and executed together. We asked questions and got answers, experimented, challenged ourselves, our visionary power and our craft again and again. We were both happy and annoyed together; and yes, sometimes we were even desperate together.
We have seen and experienced a lot, have gained a lot of experience - good and also...let's call them "valuable". We also have shared successes and problems - together.
All this has now been rewarded: In March, we received from KUNUNU the TOP COMPANY 2020 Certificate..
"This is a great success for us, because this award shows us that our employees feel comfortable with us and enjoy coming to work. It is important to us to have a very good working atmosphere with a respectful and friendly way of dealing with each other and to create a feeling of belonging to the team and the company. We are very proud of this appreciation".
Katrin Krauth,
Head of Human Resources
The compatibility of work and family life is a very important matter , not only for us, but also the Federal Ministries of Economics and Family have made it their joint task to challenge and support companies in this respect.
UNDKRAUSS had itself checked by an auditor and had our internal family and life-phase conscious personnel policy critically examined, and we can proudly say that we are already well-positioned. Nevertheless, in auditing workshops, together with a team of representative employees, we developed further strategically relevant and practical solutions for an attractive working environment.
The result: We have been officially certified for "berufundfamilie" since December 10, 2019. We were honored for this commitment in a festive venue on June 15, 2020. This took place in the presence of the patron, the Federal Minister for Family Affairs, Dr. Franziska Giffey, and media representatives.
Open to new things. And to people. To all people. Everyone is welcome to join us; gender, skin color, religion, age or whatever seems to distinguish people on the surface do not play any role for us.
We are only interested in what connects us, the inner values, personality and character, and what a person wants and has to give. Because only that, the diversity of individual personalities, the experiences, competencies and approaches are the building blocks from which something big, something complex, something special can emerge.
Openness, fairness, respect and tolerance belong to our basic values, are the basis for new ideas, creativity, joint effort and success.